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// Posted by :Ziegler Prize // On :Saturday, May 18, 2013

How to lose 50 KG

Weight loss 
success tip #1:

Its never too late to start. No matter how much you're currently overweight or how out of shape you are, you can ALWAYS start making changes and improve your life! It all starts now. Forget about yesterday and focus all your energy into making smart choices to live a healthier life. Today is truly the first day of the rest of your life!

 Weight loss 
success tip #2:

Realize that food is a very powerful drug. You can use it to make yourself very sick or you can decide to use it to optimally fuel and energize your body! Research different foods and learn about the multitude of ways nutrient dense foods positively impact your body. Knowledge is power and learning how and what you're eating is vitally important!

 Weight loss 
success tip #3:

Eat 5-6 small nutrient dense meals every day. This should consist of clean, nutritious foods to optimally fuel your body. Include a lean protein source in each meal which will help repair and build muscle tissue. Make sure to optimize your pre-workout and post-workout meals to maximize the windows of opportunity.

 Weight loss 
tip #4:

Be very conscious when you eat. When you sit down to eat a meal, ask yourself if this food is helping you reach your goals or is it setting you back. So many people simply eat without thinking about what they are putting into their bodies. They consume food almost unconsciously and shovel it into their face. Relax and truly enjoy every bite of food you have prepared for yourself.

 Weight loss 

tip #5:

Pre-plan your meals. This is crucial for succeeding. If you don't have a plan, it will be very difficult to choose the right foods to attain your ideal physique. Keep nutrient dense foods and snacks at your home, in your car and especially at work. Put a box of protein bars in the office fridge or have a bag of mixed nuts at your desk so you will have quick access to these quality food choices when you're hungry. Preparing meals early also really helps. Try cooking all your week's meals on Sunday night and prepare them in small Tupperware containers. Although this is extra work, it will pay off huge in the long run. You will have instant access to healthy prepared meals and you can take the guesswork out of finding nutrient dense foods to eat.

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{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. w0ow very very awesome tip all of thenm i have bookmarked and will try these . i hope i can loose my extra weight .thank you . Men Health


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